TLV at the core of an innovative project !

May 13, 2022

🔊🏣 Since 2006, HUGO (Hôpitaux Universitaires Grand Ouest) has been developing a co-design project for a hospital room adapted to the elderly, with partner companies and the Nantes School of Design.

The objective is to develop a prototype of a hospital room, by mobilising skills on the themes of comfort, security, social links and the transmission of information to the care team.

It is in this context that TLV had the chance to participate in this innovative project: 4 prototype rooms and a complete ward were equipped by TLV with bedheads, wardrobes, Skydeco decorative ceiling lights, as well as Goodwood architectural concepts:

We would like to thank :

– Nantes Hospital, Richard Audéon
– Tours Hospital, Cyrille Veillon
– Angers Hospital, Cyrille Bertrand
– Rennes Hospital, Mickael Courtais
– Brest Hospital, Sébastien Corolleur
– AIA Life Designers

Thanks also to TLV TEAM 🙌 !

Watch the video below ! 👇